Monday, December 27, 2010

A beachwalk with mom

(waves crashing into shore, birds flying overhead, as we walk...)

(comfortable silence)

(comfortable silence)

(comfortable silence)

Mom: "Have you ever thought about how cool it would be to know exactly how many rocks are in the ocean?"


Me: "Mom, are you stoned right now?"

Mom: "No. I just always think about stupid things like that."

(comfortable silence)

(comfortable silence)

(comfortable silence)

(Mom yelps as a large wave drenches her to the knees.)

Me: "Mom, if you're going to walk that close to the waterline, you've got to keep an eye on the waves."

Mom: "Yeah, I know. I like to walk where I'm going to get creamed. There's kind of a thrill in it."


Mom: "I guess I have Gus genes."

Me: "OK, I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. I'm clearly the victim here."

Puts all the stories in this blog in a whole new light, eh?


mary mattammal said...

No. I said wouldn't it be cool to know how many "drops" are in the ocean, not "rocks." I still think it would be cool. Kind of way past your wildest imagination. Probably don't even have a name for the number.

Gus said...

Oh, I thought you said "rocks".

I guess it all depends on what you define as a "drop". Depending on your definition, one could argue there's actually only one drop in the ocean.

mary mattammal said...

30 drops to a cc is how we approximated it in the lab. So count how many ccs in the ocean and multiply by 30. That's measurable, if you can empty the ocean.

Jill said...

here's hoping those Gus genes skip a generation.