Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh (mostly) happy day!

At so many times, and in so many ways, this country has done dumb stuff. And yet, there have been times when this country has really gotten it right. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, emancipation, suffrage, civil rights, saying we'd send a man to the moon, and doing it. But no moment like that has occurred in my lifetime.

Until yesterday.

It was so awesome to finally feel like I'm living in one of those moments where America really gets it right. Thanks to everyone who helped make that possible.

I heard on the news today that Israel and the Palestinians are shelling each other again. Congratulations, President-Elect Obama. You had about 6 hours or so to bask in the warm glow of an historic victory. Now you start paying the price of victory.

Good luck, my man.

The only terribly disappointing thing was the passage of Proposition 8, to amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage. I didn't do enough to fight this. I didn't donate money. I thought about making a sign and pasting it to my car, but I opted not to because the only ideas I had were ideas like:

NO on Prop 8 - Seriously people, it's the 21st century.

Prop 8 - The Last Refuge for Bigots

NO on Prop 8 - It's "Liberty and Justice for all", NOT "bigotry and injustice for all"!!

and so on. Probably not going to change any minds with signs like that.

And, I was mostly obsessed with the presidential election. But I want to see a proposition in 2010 to repeal that stinking piece of crap from my state constitution, and if there is one, I'm definitely getting on board early.

Still, it's a good day today. Morning in America, at last.

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