Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lamentations, Chapter 4: Post- Postscript

Ed made the following reply to my story about World Series night in Mustang... please note that obviously I was not in the best position to remember precisely the events of the evening (although, neither was he):

You missed your flight??!! Hilarious. I have several comments: #1) Alison spells her name with one "L" not two; you better fix that before she whoops your ass. #2) The night you barfed at Mustang, it was NOT MK who apologized to the waitress, it was me. I can't believe you've never known this. MK and CK (formerly CS) were up and out the door in two seconds when they saw you barfing. They abandoned you, uttering an abrupt, "Uh, I think it's time to go" as they walked out. It was their getting up and saying that that actually made me realize you were barfing--I had been absorbed in the TV until then.

So while they waited outside, I got the waitress and apologized to her. She said it was all good and called for the mop. We watched you vomit, waited for you to pause, and then helped you to your feet. I ushered you out to where MK and CS were waiting, and we all walked you home.

Come on, you know MK better than that.


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